
抗流感概念震荡拉升 鲁抗医药、罗欣药业双双涨停

The Concept of Against Influenza is oscillating and rising, with Shandong Lukang Pharmaceutical and Luoxin Pharmaceuticals Group Stock both reaching the upper price limit.

Breakings ·  Jan 3 09:50

Shandong Lukang Pharmaceutical and Luoxin Pharmaceuticals Group Stock reached the upper price limit, while Hendy Pharmaceutical, Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical, Zhejiang Ausun Pharmaceutical, Beijing Sl Pharmaceutical and others followed suit. On the news front, on January 2, Dingdang Kuaiyao released data showing that the sales of respiratory disease medications have continued to rise. In the past month, the sales growth rate of the Against Influenza pharmaceutical Oseltamivir and Sufuda reached as high as 164%. At the same time, the sales of cold and fever products have also increased significantly, with the commonly used fever-reducing patches seeing a sales growth rate of 181.5%.

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