
2024年最后一天 美国液化天然气市场需求创历史新高

On the last day of 2024, the demand in the USA liquefied Henry Hub Natural Gas market reached a historic high.

Breakings ·  Jan 1 07:14

Data shows that the Henry Hub Natural Gas market demand from USA liquefied Henry Hub Natural Gas production facilities reached a historic high of 0.43 billion cubic meters per day on December 31, 2024. It is expected that by 2025, the demand for USA liquefied Henry Hub Natural Gas production will increase to 0.505 billion cubic meters per day, with multiple new projects scheduled to be launched, and by 2028 it is expected to reach 0.684 billion cubic meters per day. Analysts point out that this trend will further drive up domestic Henry Hub Natural Gas production in the USA, while also pushing up prices in major trade markets.

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