

Tesla started selling a 199 yuan ornament: sold out in 15 minutes, and prices on second-hand Trade platforms have soared to over a thousand yuan.

Breakings ·  Dec 26, 2024 12:58

Another peripheral product from Tesla has been sold out. At 10 AM on December 26, the Tesla Bot humanoid robot figurine was officially released for sale at a price of 199 yuan. However, in less than 15 minutes, it was reported as sold out on its official app and the official flagship store on third-party e-commerce platforms, showing "out of stock" and "removed" status. On one third-party e-commerce platform's Tesla official flagship store, it indicated that over 100 units had been sold. Their customer service reported that it had indeed been snatched up. When asked if more would be listed in the future, they said they had not received restock notifications and suggested checking back later. Regarding how many figurines Tesla had released this time, they stated they were unclear but mentioned that it had previously been sold in the North American market first. On a second-hand trading platform in China, this figurine is even being sold for as high as 9,000 yuan, though more listings show second-hand prices of 588 yuan and 499 yuan. (Blue Whale News)

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