On December 15th, the Retirement system was promoted nationwide. With the annual tax reduction effects stacking up, the development of Retirement is moving into high gear. As the only entity that can open Retirement fund Accounts, commercial Banks are continuously increasing their marketing efforts, yielding significant results; however, it cannot be ignored that risks are also increasing. As one of the three pillars of the Retirement system, the development of Retirement has a long way to go. Looking back, many of the Banks' business developments have undergone a shift from 'land grabbing' to 'refined cultivation'. Therefore, in this current phase of fast-tracking Retirement development, Banks need to be vigilant against the notion that 'haste makes waste,' and strive to achieve a simultaneous rise in both quantity and quality of Retirement developments. (Securities Times)
摒弃数量考核 推广个人养老金需量质齐升
Abandon quantity assessment, promoting Retirement requires both quantity and quality to rise simultaneously.
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