
国办:对专项债券对应的政府性基金收入和项目专项收入难以偿还本息的 允许地方依法分年安排专项债券项目财政补助资金 省级政府承担兜底责任

The State Council: For the government funds and project-specific income corresponding to the special Bonds that are difficult to repay principal and interest, localities are allowed to legally arrange fiscal subsidy funds for special Bonds projects on an

Breakings ·  Dec 25 19:15

The General Office of the State Council issued the "Opinions on Optimizing and Improving the Management Mechanism of Local Government Special Bonds," aiming to balance the financing income of special Bonds projects. For the government funds and project-specific income corresponding to the special Bonds that are difficult to repay principal and interest, localities are allowed to legally arrange fiscal subsidy funds for special Bonds projects on an annual basis, as well as to schedule repayments from other project-specific income, project unit funds, and government fund budget revenues, ensuring that special Bonds achieve regional balance across cities and counties within provinces, with provincial governments assuming the bottom-line responsibility, ensuring that legal debts are repaid in full and on time, and strictly preventing repayment risks associated with special Bonds.

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