
央行上海总部:11月份人民币贷款增加529亿元 外币贷款减少5亿美元

The Shanghai headquarters of the central bank reported that in November, RMB loans increased by 52.9 billion yuan, while foreign currency loans decreased by 0.5 billion US dollars.

Breakings ·  Dec 23, 2024 15:44

According to data from the Shanghai headquarters of the central bank, in November, RMB loans increased by 52.9 billion yuan, which is a year-on-year decrease of 10.9 billion yuan. By sector, household loans increased by 34 billion yuan, including a short-term loan increase of 4.2 billion yuan and a medium to long-term loan increase of 29.9 billion yuan; corporate loans increased by 5.2 billion yuan, including a short-term loan decrease of 15.1 billion yuan and a medium to long-term loan increase of 6.3 billion yuan; non-bank Financial Institutions loans increased by 2.2 billion yuan. Foreign currency loans decreased by 0.5 billion US dollars, which is a larger year-on-year decrease of 0.2 billion US dollars.

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