
防浸水难实现 日本九州旅客铁道公司宣布撤出日韩高速船业务

It is difficult to prevent water inundation. Japan's Kyushu Railway Company announced its withdrawal from the Japan-South Korea high-speed ferry business.

Breakings ·  Dec 23, 2024 14:33

On the 23rd local time, a reporter from the central station learned that Japan's Kyushu Railway Company (JR Kyushu) announced its withdrawal from the high-speed ferry service connecting Hakata Port in Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan and Busan Port in South Korea. Previously, a subsidiary of JR Kyushu, JR Kyushu Ferries, had concealed a flooding issue with one of its vessels and continued operations. The vessel has been out of service since August of this year, with initial plans to resume operations. However, due to technical difficulties with hull reinforcement to prevent flooding, the company decided to abandon this business operation. (CCTV News)

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