

Unisplendour Corporation: The shareholding ratio of Unisplendour Group has decreased to 6.95%.

Breakings ·  Dec 20, 2024 20:40

Unisplendour Corporation announced that the manager of Unisplendour Group, in accordance with the restructuring plan and the directive of the new Unisplendour Group, has reduced the remaining stocks. From December 2 to 9, 2024, 28.5 million shares will be sold through a centralized bidding method; on December 19, 2024, 0.1573 billion shares will be transferred to the Cinda Securities Fengshi No. 2 single Asset Management plan through a negotiated transfer. After this change in equity, the number of shares held by the dedicated account of Unisplendour Group in the listed company has decreased to 0.1988 billion shares, accounting for 6.95% of the total share capital of the listed company.

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