
国泰航空在港结算5万吨碳信用产品 香港财库局:为日后交易奠定参考基准

CATHAY PAC AIR settled a total of 0.05 million tons of carbon credit products in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Financial Secretary stated that this lays a reference benchmark for future Trade.

Breakings ·  18:59

On December 18, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange announced that CATHAY PAC AIR (00293) settled a total of 0.05 million tons of voluntary carbon credits through the Core Climate carbon market under the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, as one of its voluntary carbon offset program initiatives. The Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Christopher Hui, stated that this transaction also demonstrates how Hong Kong's green finance platform assists enterprises in achieving sustainable development goals through a robust financial market infrastructure, and establishes a reference benchmark for more Trade in the future. Christopher Hui mentioned that the Hong Kong government will continue to support and promote the cooperation and synergy between the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and peers in the Mainland and internationally, in order to build a vibrant and trustworthy carbon market and further strengthen Hong Kong's leadership in utilizing finance to empower green transformation.

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