

A senior Russian military officer has died in an explosion attack.

Breakings ·  Dec 17 14:20

The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation confirmed today (December 17) that Major General Kirillov, commander of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Troops of the Russian Armed Forces, and his assistant were killed in the explosion incident on Ryazan Street in Moscow. According to Russian media reports, the Investigative Committee has secured evidence from the electric scooter that was used to place the explosives, which was detonated at the entrance of the building. Unknown individuals had placed the explosive device on the scooter, which had a TNT equivalent of 300 grams. Investigators are currently studying nearby surveillance footage. It is reported that Kirillov and his assistant had already died before the ambulance arrived. The exterior windows of the building and several nearby cars were damaged. (CCTV International News)

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