
中信证券:首发经济具备三个特点 建议布局文化娱乐、会展旅游等领域优势公司

CITIC SEC: The debut economy has three characteristics, suggesting to invest in companies with advantages in cultural entertainment, exhibitions, tourism and other fields.

Breakings ·  Dec 17, 2024 08:43

CITIC SEC's Research Reports believe that compared to the 'first-store economy', the 'debut economy' has three characteristics. 1) First appearance, encouraging multi-form innovation. 2) Chain development, covering multiple links. 3) Leadership and trendiness, promoting industrial upgrades. The key points of this 'debut economy' emphasize the government’s high attention to promoting high-quality new consumption supply and stimulating domestic demand, which is expected to catalyze the scale and performance of companies in the entertainment content, digital consumption, Advertising Marketing, and other Media Internet Industries to maintain healthy growth. It is recommended to invest in companies with advantages in cultural entertainment, exhibitions, tourism, digital consumption, Advertising Marketing and other fields.

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