
中信建投:个人养老金制度全面实施 加快长期资金入市 券商或迎多业务协同增长

China Securities Co.,Ltd.: The personal pension system is being fully implemented, accelerating the inflow of long-term funds into the market, and Brokerages may welcome synergistic growth across multiple businesses.

Breakings ·  Dec 17, 2024 07:46

China Securities Co.,Ltd. Research Reports indicate that the personal pension system is implemented nationwide, and long-term funds are expected to accelerate their entrance into the market, with Brokerages likely to see synergistic growth in multiple businesses. With the comprehensive implementation of personal pension system reforms, supported by extensive promotion and tax incentive policies, the social awareness and contribution levels of personal pension plans are expected to continually rise, which may promote the growth of sales for various retirement products.

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