
11月银行结售汇延续顺差 外商来华投资持续企稳

In November, the Banks continued to have a surplus in Forex settlement and sales, and foreign investment in China remained stable.

Breakings ·  Dec 17, 2024 03:27

Data released yesterday by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange shows that in November, enterprises and other entities continued to have a surplus in Forex settlement and sales, with the Forex market trading steadily and orderly. The foreign-related economy remains active, and the main channels for KUAJINGZIJIN flow are generally stable. Li Bin, deputy director and spokesperson of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, pointed out that due to steady growth in our foreign trade, the net inflow of funds under goods trade has remained at historically high levels since August, continuously playing a stabilizing role in overall KUAJINGZIJIN flows; foreign direct investment in China has stabilized, with net capital inflow rising for three consecutive months; the KUAJINGZIJIN flows from service trade, investment income, and foreign direct investment are all generally stable and orderly. (Securities Times)

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