
实施好适度宽松的货币政策 适时降准降息

Implement a moderately loose MMF policy and timely reduce the reserve requirement ratio and interest rates.

Breakings ·  03:20

On December 16, the party committee of the People’s Bank of China held a meeting to convey the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference. In accordance with the deployment of the National Financial System Work Conference, measures for implementation were researched and clarified. The meeting emphasized that a moderately loose MMF policy should be effectively implemented. A variety of MMF policy tools should be comprehensively used to timely reduce the reserve requirement ratio and interest rates, maintain sufficient liquidity, and ensure that the growth of social financing scale and MMF supply matches the economic growth and price level expectation targets. Banks should be guided to fully meet the effective Crediting demand and enhance the stability of Crediting growth. Strengthen the execution and transmission of interest rate policies and promote a stable decline in the overall financing costs of society. Enhance the resilience of the Forex market, stabilize market expectations, and maintain the basic stability of the RMB Exchange Rates at a reasonable and balanced level. (Securities Times)

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