
报告:新经济行业人才供需比逐年上升 出海人才招聘需求增长显著

Report: The supply and demand of talents in the new economy industry is rising year by year, and the demand for overseas talent recruitment is growing significantly

Breakings ·  Dec 16, 2024 20:15

According to the “2024 Talent Migration Report” recently released by Pulse High Employment, in recent years, the ratio between supply and demand for talents in the new economy industry has increased year by year, and competition for talent employment has intensified. At the same time, as Chinese companies are becoming more active overseas, the demand for overseas talent recruitment has increased significantly. From January to October 2024, the number of new offshore jobs accounted for 2.7% of the total number of new jobs, an increase of 43% compared to 1.89% in the same period last year. Overseas marketing, product managers, and sales managers are the three jobs with the highest number of new jobs overseas.

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