
11月证券交易印花税221亿元 是去年同期2.73倍

In November, the securities trading stamp duty was 22.1 billion yuan, which is 2.73 times that of the same period last year.

Breakings ·  Dec 16, 2024 17:02

Today, the Ministry of Finance announced the latest data on securities trading stamp duty. By comparing the data, it can be seen that the securities trading stamp duty in November this year was 22.1 billion yuan, which is 2.73 times the 8.1 billion yuan of the same period last year. In terms of market transactions, the average daily trading volume of A-shares in November was 1.97 trillion, 2.22 times that of the same period last year, while the average daily trading volume in November last year was 0.088 billion yuan; November saw a month-on-month decline of 2.33% in average daily trading volume compared to October.

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