

CanSino Biologics Inc.: The registration application for the combined vaccine of component acellular pertussis and diphtheria for infants and young children has been accepted.

Breakings ·  Dec 16, 2024 16:58

CanSino Biologics Inc. (688185) announced on the evening of December 16 that the registration application for the domestically produced pharmaceutical license of the acellular component combination diphtheria and tetanus (referred to as 'infant DTcP') has recently been accepted by the National Medical Products Administration. So far, no domestic vaccine manufacturers have obtained approval for the component diphtheria and tetanus vaccine, and the positioning of the infant DTcP is considered an import substitution. At the same time, the development of this vaccine also serves as a foundation for further research and development of component diphtheria and tetanus vaccines for adolescents and adults, as well as combined vaccines based on component diphtheria and tetanus. The product combination of component diphtheria and tetanus vaccines will further enrich the company's product strategy.

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