
花旗:调查显示补贴对推动家电需求有效 消费者愿意在旅游方面花费更多

Citigroup: A survey shows that subsidies are effective in driving demand for home appliances, and consumers are willing to spend more on travel.

Breakings ·  07:15

Citigroup published a study stating that a recent online consumption survey of about 2,500 Chinese consumers shows that most respondents indicated their financial situation is good and expect to increase consumer spending in the next 12 months. Among them, 63% shop several times a week, and about 49% shop between 6 to 10 times a month. The report indicates that the survey reflects an increase in people's spending on e-commerce platforms during this year's Singles' Day Sales, believing that government subsidy measures effectively drive up demand for home appliances. At the same time, consumers also indicated a greater willingness to spend more on travel. Citigroup's preferred order for selecting stocks in Chinese e-commerce platforms is, Alibaba, and PDD Holdings.

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