
国家统计局:“两重”建设和大规模设备更新带动下 重点领域投资和设备更新投资都保持了较快增长

The National Bureau of Statistics: Under the drive of the construction of the "two重" and large-scale equipment updates, investment in key areas and investments in equipment updates have both maintained rapid growth.

Breakings ·  Dec 16, 2024 10:48

Fu Linghui, spokesperson for the National Bureau of Statistics and head of the Comprehensive Statistics Department of the National Economy, stated at the meeting that under the drive of the "two重" construction and large-scale equipment updates, investment in key areas and investments in equipment updates have maintained rapid growth, supporting the expansion of investment and enhancing the mid- to long-term development momentum of the economy. From January to November, investment in Water Conservancy management grew by 40.9%, and investment in Electrical Utilities production and supply grew by 29.6%; investment in the purchase of equipment and tools increased by 15.8%, contributing 65.3% to the overall investment growth, becoming an important supporting factor for the expansion of investment. (

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