

The Securities Regulatory Commission: Accelerate the construction of a multi-tiered Bonds market to meet enterprises' reasonable Bonds financing needs.

Breakings ·  Dec 14, 2024 17:39

On December 14th, Wu Qing, the Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, presided over a meeting of the Party Committee (expanded). The meeting emphasized the importance of supporting the development of new quality productivity, enhancing the inclusiveness and adaptability of the issuance and listing system, encouraging mergers and acquisitions aimed at industrial integration and upgrading, and cultivating patient capital. It also highlighted the need for more precise and powerful support for expanding investment and promoting Consumer spending, improving the product and service system covering the development needs of various enterprises in equities, Bonds, and futures. Strengthening the quality of listed companies as the micro foundation, promoting improvements in corporate governance and value creation capabilities, supervising the implementation of Market Cap management responsibilities, enhancing regular visits to listed companies, and helping solve practical difficulties. Accelerating the construction of a multi-tiered Bonds market to meet enterprises' reasonable Bonds financing needs, continuously enhancing the quality and efficiency of services to the real economy.

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