
北大光华管理学院院长刘俏:未来较长时期 我国具备实施宽松财政政策的条件

Liu Qiao, Dean of Peking University’s Guanghua School of Management: For a relatively long period in the future, our country has the conditions to implement an expansionary fiscal policy.

Breakings ·  Dec 14, 2024 16:57

Liu Qiao, Dean of Peking University’s Guanghua School of Management, stated today at the 2024 Global Wealth Management Forum that for a relatively long period in the future, our country has the conditions to implement an expansionary fiscal policy. Liu Qiao mentioned that as long as the ratio of government debt to GDP (i.e., the government debt ratio) does not grow explosively, government debt can be sustainable. Fiscal policy requires innovative policy tools that must break free from consensus thinking and engage in bold experiments. (Cailian News Agency)

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