

Bai Chong'en: Reduce the burden on residents by extending nine-year compulsory Education to twelve years.

Breakings ·  Dec 14, 2024 16:41

Regarding the comprehensive boost of domestic demand, Bai Chong'en, a senior professor in the humanities at Tsinghua University, dean of the School of Economics and Management, and vice chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, expressed that some residents' Consumer are closely related to public finances, such as Education. 'Because our nine-year compulsory Education is supported by public finances, can we extend it to become twelve-year compulsory Education to lighten the burden of Education on residents and improve the quality of preschool Education?' he said. When discussing Medical, he stated that the fees for medical insurance are limited, 'Can we encourage the development of supplementary Medical Insurance, or even government-led supplementary Medical Insurance, so that our Medical expenditures can continuously increase as a proportion of income with the improvement of people's living standards, while currently it is basically rigid, fixed at 6% of wages.' he said. (Rui Jian)

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