
博通盘初涨超20% 正在与三家大型云客户开发定制AI芯片

Broadcom's stock rose more than 20% at the start, and it is working with three large cloud clients to develop custom AI Chips.

Breakings ·  Dec 13, 2024 22:42

Broadcom's stock price rose more than 20% at the start, bringing its total market value to 1.02 trillion USD, ranking ninth in the US stock market. After the market closed on Thursday Eastern Time, Broadcom released an Earnings Report for the fourth quarter that exceeded expectations, showing not only better-than-expected profitability but also that Broadcom's AI revenue has grown more than twofold this year. This year's AI revenue at Broadcom surged 220% to 12.2 billion USD, and it is expected that AI product revenue will grow 65% year-on-year in the first quarter of the 2025 fiscal year. Broadcom's CEO revealed that they are developing custom AI Chips with three large cloud clients, expecting each client to deploy 1 million AI Chips by 2027.

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