
韩国民调显示尹锡悦支持率降至11% 创历史新低

Polls from South Korea show that Yoon Suk-yeol's approval rating has dropped to 11%, a record low.

Breakings ·  Dec 13, 2024 16:45

According to the public opinion survey results released by the South Korean polling institution Gallup Korea on the 13th local time, South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol's approval rating is 11%, down 5 percentage points from the previous week, marking the lowest since he took office. The disapproval rate for his administration has reached 85%, also setting a new high since he took office. Among the reasons given by respondents for their disapproval, "emergency martial law events" accounted for the highest proportion at 49%, followed by factors such as "economy, livelihood, and prices" and "overall performance is poor".

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