

In the USA, up to 80 universities may close within five years.

Breakings ·  Dec 13, 2024 15:30

According to a report by the Associated Press on December 11, the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia predicted in a study that due to "unprecedented financial challenges," "declining enrollment rates," and "demographic cliffs," the USA may face the closure of up to 80 universities within the next five years. According to the latest Statistics, at least 20 universities in the USA are set to close in 2024, with 9 more announcing closures in 2025. Reports indicate that higher education in the USA is facing severe challenges. The study expects enrollment numbers to decline year by year, with a total decline of 15% by 2029. Researchers refer to this trend of decreasing numbers of college-aged students as the "demographic cliff," which is one of the reasons for the decrease in university enrollment rates. According to data from the USA government, currently only 62% of high school graduates in the USA proceed to university, down from 68% in 2010. Often, it is students from low-income families who are left out.

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