

China International Capital Corporation: Gradually bridging the inflation gap and the demand gap will be the focus of economic work next year.

Breakings ·  Dec 13, 2024 12:15

The Central Economic Work Conference will be held in Peking from December 11 to 12. The research department of China International Capital Corporation believes that regarding the economic goals for next year, the conference proposed to "maintain stable economic growth" followed by the need to "maintain employment and overall price stability," and emphasized that "target guidance should be prioritized to achieve a balanced combination of stable growth, stable employment, and reasonable recovery of prices." This is the first time in 15 years that maintaining price stability has been set as an annual economic work goal during a period of price sluggishness. The research department of China International Capital Corporation believes that gradually bridging the inflation gap and the demand gap will be the direction of economic work next year.

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