
北京市地方金融管理局潘琍:北京市财富管理市场潜力巨大 家庭可投资资产总额约16万亿元

Pan Li from the Peking Local Financial Supervision Administration: The potential of Peking's wealth management market is immense, with household investable assets totaling approximately 16 trillion yuan.

Breakings ·  Dec 13, 2024 11:05

Pan Li, the deputy director of the Peking Local Financial Supervision Administration, stated today at the Global Wealth Management Forum that the foundation of the wealth management industry in Peking is good, market potential is enormous, and demand is very strong, presenting unparalleled advantages for developing the wealth management industry. On the supply side, the asset management scale of Banks, Insurance Asset Management, public funds, private equity funds, REITs, and Brokerage Institutions in Peking exceeds 30 trillion yuan, accounting for nearly 30% of the national total; at the same time, the scale of private equity and venture capital management is also the largest in the country. On the demand side, the total amount of investable assets for households in Peking is about 16 trillion yuan, and the number of high-net-worth families, ultra-high-net-worth families, and international ultra-high-net-worth families is the highest in the country.

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