
美国30年期国债发行中标收益率4.535% 高于发行前交易收益率

The yield on the 30-year US Treasury bond auction was 4.535%, higher than the pre-auction trading yield.

Breakings ·  Dec 13, 2024 02:49

The US Treasury reopened $22 billion of 30-year Treasury bonds, with a winning yield of 4.535%, and the pre-auction trading yield at 4.523% at the close of bidding at 1 PM New York time. The allocation ratio for primary dealers was 14.4%, higher than the previous auction. The allocation ratio for direct bidders fell to 19.1%, while the ratio for indirect bidders rose to 66.5%. The bid-to-cover ratio was 2.39, lower than the average of 2.42 from the last six reopenings.

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