
杭州解百:股票交易异常波动 公司经营未发生重大变化

Hangzhou Jiebai: Stock trading fluctuates abnormally and there have been no major changes in the company's operations

Breakings ·  Dec 12, 2024 16:58

According to Hangzhou Jiebai's announcement, the cumulative daily closing price increase deviation value of the company's stock reached 20% during the three consecutive trading days of December 10, December 11, and December 12, 2024, which is an abnormal fluctuation in stock trading. After the company's own inspection and verification with the controlling shareholder Hangzhou Business Travel, there were no important matters that should have been disclosed but not disclosed. There have been no major changes in the company's daily operations, no major changes in the market environment or industry policies, and there is no other important information that should be disclosed and not disclosed that may have a significant impact on the company's stock price.

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