
日本政府决定从2026年度起增税 以增加防卫费

The Japanese government has decided to increase taxes starting in the fiscal year 2026 in order to raise defense expenditures.

Breakings ·  Dec 12, 2024 15:26

On December 12, reporters learned that the Japanese government has decided to implement a tax increase plan starting from the fiscal year 2026 to cope with higher defense spending. It is reported that the Japanese government plans to raise the corporate tax rate by 4% starting from the fiscal year 2026, and the income tax rate will also be raised by 1% starting in 2027, while gradually increasing Tobacco taxes and others. Through a series of tax increase measures, the government expects to secure an additional 1 trillion yen in fiscal revenue by the fiscal year 2027. (CCTV News)

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