
中海110亿元竞得北京丰台巨无霸地块 项目未设销售指导价

China Overseas won the Peking Fengtai behemoth plot for 11 billion yuan without a set sales guide price.

Breakings ·  Dec 12, 2024 15:13

Following the acquisition of the Peking group behemoth plot for 15.3 billion yuan, on December 12, China Overseas Real Estate secured the Peking Fengtai Wanquansi plot for 11.054 billion yuan. The planned building area for this plot is 178,283 square meters, with a starting price of 11.054 billion yuan. The announcement canceled the upper limit of land prices and no longer set a sales guide price, marking the first plot in Peking without such limits in over three years.

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