

NASA: Navigation failure leads to the end of the "Ingenuity" Mars helicopter mission.

Breakings ·  Dec 12, 2024 11:47

On December 11, NASA announced that the investigation into the "Ingenuity" Mars helicopter revealed that a failure in the navigation system caused damage to its rotors during the landing process, resulting in the end of its mission. The "Ingenuity" helicopter landed on Mars along with the USA's "Perseverance" rover on February 18, 2021. It weighs approximately 1.8 kilograms and has four rotors, powered by Lithium Battery through solar panels. On April 19 of the same year, "Ingenuity" completed its first flight on Mars. On January 18 this year, "Ingenuity" conducted its 72nd and final flight on Mars; due to damage to its rotor blades during landing, it could not fly again, and NASA announced the end of its mission. On the 11th, NASA released the investigation results of "Ingenuity"'s final flight. The assessment showed that "Ingenuity"'s navigation system was unable to provide accurate data during its flight, causing a series of failures that led to the end of its mission. (Xinhua News Agency)

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