
黎巴嫩军方:以军撤离后 黎军将在黎南部五个地点驻扎

Lebanese military: After the withdrawal of the Israeli army, the Lebanese army will be stationed at five locations in southern Lebanon.

Breakings ·  Dec 12, 2024 00:49

On the 11th local time, the Lebanese military issued a statement confirming that as the first phase of troop deployment, the Lebanese army coordinated with the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon to station at five locations around the town of Khiam in southern Lebanon after the withdrawal of the Israeli army. The statement indicated that this measure was taken after discussions in the supervisory committee, and the deployment would be completed in the next phase. At the same time, as part of the operation, the military will conduct investigations to clear unexploded ordnance. The Lebanese army urges the public to avoid the area and comply with military instructions until the operation is complete. (CCTV)

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