
BOSS直聘:第三季度营收19.12亿元 同比增长19%

Kanzhun: The revenue for the third quarter is 1.912 billion yuan, a year-on-year growth of 19%.

Breakings ·  Dec 11, 2024 18:56

Kanzhun released its Earnings Reports for the third quarter of 2024. In the third quarter, the company achieved a revenue of 1.912 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 19%; the net income for the same period was 0.464 billion yuan. Under non-GAAP, the adjusted operating income was 0.605 billion yuan, and the adjusted operating margin exceeded 30%. As of September 30, 2024, the number of corporate clients paying for Kanzhun reached 6 million, an increase of 22.4% year-on-year.

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