
1至11月销量占比首次超40% 新能源汽车市场持续向好

From January to November, the sales share of New energy Fund exceeded 40% for the first time, with the market for New energy Fund continuing to improve.

Breakings ·  Dec 11, 2024 15:17

Chen Shihua, deputy secretary-general of the China Autos Industry Association, stated that in November, the New energy Fund continued to grow rapidly, with monthly production and sales both exceeding 1.5 million vehicles. From January to November, cumulative sales first exceeded 40% of total Autos sales, providing strong support for overall sales growth. The China Autos Industry Association indicated that in the just-concluded November, the heat of the national Autos market continued, with the effects of the old-for-new policy becoming increasingly evident, further releasing car buying demand. With the accumulated effects of policies continuing to manifest, promotional activities by various regions and enterprises have been ongoing. It is expected that the Autos market will continue to improve in December, and the annual production and sales of Autos will remain above 30 million units.

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