
OPEC+增产计划推迟 油价小幅走低

OPEC+ production increase plan delayed, oil prices slightly lower.

Breakings ·  Dec 6, 2024 03:56

OPEC+ will delay its production increase plan until April, and extend the deadline for the voluntary cut of 2.2 million barrels per day from 12 months to 18 months. The slight decrease in oil prices has seen a lukewarm response. Gelber & Associates stated: "Despite this news, crude oil prices are still fluctuating within a range. So far, the threshold for recent headlines to have a significant impact on crude oil prices has been high, as the uncertainty influenced by the Trump administration has temporarily compressed volatility." WTI closed down 0.4% at $68.30 per barrel, Brent crude fell 0.3% to $72.09 per barrel.

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