
Stellantis和Zeta Energy达成协议开发电动汽车锂硫电池

Stellantis and Zeta Energy have reached an agreement to develop lithium-sulfur batteries for electric autos.

Breakings ·  Dec 6, 2024 02:47

Stellantis has signed an agreement with USA-based battery manufacturer Zeta Energy to develop cheaper lithium-sulfur batteries for electric autos, with the goal of putting them into use before 2030, the two companies announced on Thursday. Stellantis and Zeta stated in a joint statement: "The cost of lithium-sulfur batteries is expected to be less than half the current price of lithium-ion batteries per kilowatt-hour." The agreement aims to develop lighter batteries, but their energy potential is comparable to current lithium-ion batteries. The two companies indicated that this technology could increase the rapid charging speed of batteries by 50%. The agreement includes pre-production development and future production plans by 2030.

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