ADP report: Strong recruitment by large enterprises drove growth this month.
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Kremlin: (In response to news about the possible meeting between Russian President Putin and the elected President of the USA, Trump) No specific preparations have been made so far. Currently, only an understanding of political will exists - we will continue to monitor the situation. The security issues of Ukraine and Russia are an indispensable part of any potential resolution to the conflict in Ukraine.
Kremlin: (Regarding the new sanctions from the USA against Russia) Clearly, the USA will continue to attempt to weaken our company. Such decisions will inevitably undermine the stability of the Global Energy and oil markets. We hope to counter the USA's attempts to weaken our company. We will closely monitor the situation and adjust the company's activities to minimize risks.
The USD has broken above the 110 level for the first time since November 2022, with an increase of 0.38% during the day.
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