
赣锋锂业:控股子公司Minera Exar已在阿根廷完成5000万美元境外债券的发行

Ganfenglithium: Its holding subsidiary, Minera Exar, has completed the issuance of $50 million in overseas bonds in Argentina.

Breakings ·  Dec 4, 2024 20:46

On December 4, Ganfenglithium disclosed that as of that day, its holding subsidiary, Minera Exar S.A., has completed the issuance of $50 million in overseas bonds in Argentina. The company had previously announced on July 16 that, in order to meet the needs of Minera Exar's overseas business development, further expand overseas financing channels, increase fund flexibility, and taking into account the current overseas bond market situation, it plans to issue bonds overseas through Minera Exar not exceeding $0.2 billion USD or other equivalent currencies, authorizing the board of directors and its authorized personnel to handle all matters related to this bond issuance.

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