

General Motors expects a impairment of between 2.6 billion and 2.9 billion dollars for its stake in SAIC General in the fourth quarter.

Breakings ·  Dec 4, 2024 12:19

On December 4, General Motors submitted a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) indicating that the company is assessing the impact of SAIC General's planned restructuring actions and recent efforts to stabilize market share and improve profitability, and expects to record a non-temporary impairment of between 2.6 billion and 2.9 billion dollars in its Chinese joint ventures for the three months ending December 31, 2024, as well as approximately 2.7 billion dollars in additional equity losses resulting from the implementation of SAIC General's restructuring plan, including impairment costs related to plant closures and portfolio optimization that its Chinese joint venture is expected to recognize, most of which is expected to be recorded in the three months ending December 31, 2024.

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