
欧洲央行管委Vujcic告诉Politico称 央行应继续小步降息

The ECB council member Vujcic told Politico that the central bank should continue to cut interest rates gradually.

Breakings ·  Dec 4, 2024 19:54

ECB Governing Council member Boris Vujcic told Politico that in the process of easing mmf policy, the central bank should continue to take gradual actions. "The road ahead is slippery, we should take small steps, this is what we are doing," the Croatian official stated in an interview published on Wednesday. "I see consensus among the Council members, and I really don't believe there will be significant differences in future meetings." Vujcic noted that investors and economists' prediction of another 25 basis points rate cut next week may be correct.

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