

The Ministry of Finance: The second re-issuance of the bookkeeping interest (twenty issues) treasury bonds for 2024 has completed the bidding process.

Breakings ·  Dec 4, 2024 19:19

The Ministry of Finance announced that the second re-issuance of the bookkeeping interest (twenty issues) treasury bonds for 2024 has completed the bidding process. This treasury bond plans to re-issue 45 billion yuan, with an actual re-issuance nominal amount of 45 billion yuan. The re-issuance price determined by the bidding is 101.13 yuan, equivalent to an annual yield of 1.55%. The re-issuance portion of the treasury bond will be distributed from the end of the bidding until December 5, and will be listed and traded together with the original issuance of 152.08 billion yuan starting December 9. The interest start date, coupon rate, and other elements of this re-issuance are the same as those of the 2024 bookkeeping interest (twenty issues) treasury bond, that is, the interest start date is October 15, 2024, the coupon rate is 1.74%, interest is paid annually, with payments on October 15 of each year (delayed for holidays, same below), and principal will be repaid and the last interest payment made on October 15, 2029.

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