
红利类指数表现强势 红利ETF(510880)、红利低波ETF(512890)持续放量

The dividend-related index performs strongly, with honglietf (510880) and huatai-pb csi dividend low volatility etf (512890) continuing to show increasing volume.

Breakings ·  Dec 4, 2024 14:41

On December 4, the three major stock indexes briefly fell, but the dividend-related indexes collectively turned positive and rose under the support of the high-dividend sector. Honglietf (510880) and huatai-pb csi dividend low volatility etf (512890) continued the trend of increased volume from yesterday, with trading volume significantly enlarged, breaking through 0.77 billion yuan and 0.43 billion yuan respectively. As of December 3, honglietf (510880), which tracks the sse dividend index, has a dividend yield of 2.63% over the past year, while huatai-pb csi dividend low volatility etf (512890), which tracks the dividend low volatility index, has a dividend yield of 5.20% over the past year.

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