
于春玲离任新华基金董事长 银国宏接任

Yu Chunling has stepped down as the chairman of Xinhua Fund, and Yin Guohong will take over.

Breakings ·  Dec 3, 2024 22:00

Today, Xinhua Fund announced a change in senior management. Yin Guohong is the new chairman of the company, with the start date on December 2. The former chairman, Yu Chunling, has stepped down for personal reasons. According to public information, Yin Guohong is currently the deputy secretary of the party committee and president of Hengtai Securities, as well as the legal representative and chairman of Hengtai Futures. Previously, he held positions such as assistant director at the csc research institute, director of the dongxing securities research institute, general manager of institutional business department, general manager of asset management headquarters, assistant general manager and deputy general manager of the company, chairman of dongxing futures, chairman of dongxing fund, deputy head of the preparation group of the asset management company of China United Insurance Group Co., Ltd., and member of the management committee of the asset management center.

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