Abterra^ Medical announced that the company intends to acquire 99.9996% equity of the Thai company SIAM TYINRUN held by the related party Tianrun International through its wholly-owned subsidiary PuLai Mark Long in Singapore in cash after the evaluation of the net assets. After the completion of the transaction, the company will hold 99.9996% equity of SIAM TYINRUN through its Singapore subsidiary PuLai Mark Long, and SIAM TYINRUN will be included in the company's consolidated financial statements. This transaction is to meet the effective conditions of major sales contracts for daily operation. The company plans to build an overseas production base on the land obtained from this related party transaction to ensure the timely fulfillment of major sales contracts. The transaction price is equivalent to 0.1169166 billion Thai baht in USD.
天益医疗:拟通过新加坡子公司收购泰国公司SIAM TYINRUN 99.9996%股权
Abterra^ Medical plans to acquire 99.9996% of the shares of the Thai company SIAM TYINRUN through its subsidiary in Singapore.
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