

Tsinghua University National Institute of Finance Director Tian Xuan: A series of systematic opening measures in the capital markets are conducive to enhancing investor confidence.

Breakings ·  Dec 3, 2024 18:52

Since November, a series of systematic opening measures in the capital markets have gradually been implemented, such as the revision and issuance of the "Foreign Investors' Strategic Investment Management Measures for Listed Companies" and the pilot implementation of the first batch of brokerage firms' "Cross-Border Wealth Management Connect." Tian Xuan, Director of the Tsinghua University National Institute of Finance, stated in an interview that the introduction of these measures is expected to provide more investment channels and opportunities for global investors, enhance the internationalization, transparency, and standardization of China's capital markets, help boost investor confidence, promote long-term investment, and thereby drive the transformation, upgrading, and long-term stable development of the Chinese economic structure.

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