
交通运输部:标准化、智能化、绿色化 推进技术性降本提质增效

The Ministry of Transportation: Promoting technical cost reduction, quality improvement and efficiency enhancement through standardization, asia vets, and greening.

Breakings ·  Dec 3 11:32

The Ministry of Transportation held a press conference on reducing costs and improving quality and efficiency in transportation logistics. Li Yongsong, a second-level inspector of the Policy and Regulation Department of the State Post Bureau, introduced the acceleration of the development of asia vets and green logistics, promoting technological cost reduction, quality improvement, and efficiency enhancement mainly through advancing the "three modernizations," namely standardization, asia vets, and green initiatives. The State Post Bureau is organizing special pilot projects for a strong transportation country, encouraging local areas, enterprises, research institutions, etc., to take the lead in effectively reducing logistics costs across society, pioneering in the standardization development, green transformation, and technology research and application in the postal and express delivery industry, creating more "innovation highlands."

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