
四部门:鼓励保险公司加大科技创新投入 推进无人机、遥感、物联网等科技手段应用

Four departments: Encourage insurance companies to increase investment in technology innovation and promote the application of technology such as drones, remote sensing, and the internet of things.

Breakings ·  Dec 3, 2024 11:11

The Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and other four departments issued a notice regarding the promotion of precise insurance coverage and claims settlement in agriculture. The notice mentions encouraging insurance companies to increase investment in technology innovation, promoting the application of technology such as drones, remote sensing, and the internet of things, accelerating standardized construction, enhancing the authenticity, accuracy, and timeliness of underwriting and claims settlement. Continuously advancing the digitization, digitalization, and intelligence of agricultural insurance business, promoting online notification, public disclosure, and inquiry of underwriting and claims settlement information, safeguarding the right of farmers to be informed, and improving the insurance experience of farmers. Supporting the agricultural and rural, forestry, grassland, meteorological departments to strengthen technological research with insurance companies, deepening data integration, and enhancing risk management capabilities.

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