
海南商业航天发射场首次发射任务取得成功 明年可实现月月有发射

The hainan commercial space launch site successfully completed its first launch mission, achieving a high-frequency launch schedule with launches every month next year.

Breakings ·  Dec 2, 2024 21:27

According to the hainan commercial launch official WeChat account, on November 30, the first launch mission of China's first commercial space launch site—the hainan commercial space launch site—was successful, filling the gap of commercial space launch sites in China and significantly enhancing China's space launch capabilities, providing launch support for the country's space infrastructure engineering & construction. The hainan commercial space launch site will also execute the first launch mission of launch station No. 1 by the end of this year, and next year it will achieve a high-density launch situation with launches every month.

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