
专家称四季度经济增速或高至5.3% 有望实现全年目标

Experts say that the economic growth rate in the fourth quarter may reach 5.3%, making it possible to achieve the annual target.

Breakings ·  Dec 3, 2024 07:45

According to a report by the Securities Times, Liu Xiaoguang, a professor at Renmin University of China and vice chairman of CMF, stated that estimates suggest the economic growth rate in the fourth quarter is expected to reach 4.7% to 5.3%, with the annual growth expected to reach 4.8% to 5%, thereby achieving the annual growth target of around 5%. With existing policies and a package of new policies taking effect, the economy has continuously stabilized and improved over the past two months. Market participants generally believe that the annual economic growth target is likely to be achieved. Economists and market institutions broadly agree that the economic growth target for next year will remain around 5.0%, aligning with medium- and long-term targets, promoting stable employment and transmitting bullish signals.

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